strange cat behaviors

9 Strange Cat Behaviors and What They Mean

Have you ever wondered why your cat runs around the house for what seems to be no reason at all or why he/she starts to beat the living daylights out of your favorite blanket? Originating from a domestic environment, I wanted to show that cats are amazing animals with odd habits disturbing most of the time. Here in this blog, we explore 9 of the weirdest and funniest behaviors that our cats are capable of. If your cat wakes you up at night for a ‘zoomie’ or seems to have an unusual fascination with boxes, you’ll find out why your cat does that and how to better communicate with your pet.

Strange cat behaviors: Cats are intelligent animals; most things they do that seem strange to us have a reason. We discuss nine such strange cat behaviors and what they really mean. 

9 Strange Cat Behaviors

1. Why do cats cover their faces when they sleep? 

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strange cat behaviorsCats do this to conserve warmth in the body and their noses. Cats prefer more heat than humans do. Your cat can minimize heat loss when they sleep by tucking their paws over their face or tucking themselves into a tight ball. 

Cats can also protect their eyes from light by covering them. Since they are crepuscular, cats mostly spend their days in sleep and do most of their activity during dawn and dusk. Therefore, they will spend much of the day asleep and covering the light out with their paws. 

Note that your cat sometimes covers her face when she sleeps. Cats fall asleep in weird positions without even realizing it. Your pet may lick itself clean and will close its eyes with its paws.

2. Why do cats raise their butt when you pet them?

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strange cat behaviorsIf you pet a cat at the base of its tail, then it is pretty common to see it raise its rear end. A cat’s tail base houses many nerve endings, rendering it a very sensitive area. Whereas most cats derive pleasure from the caress or scratch of a familiar person, overstimulation of the base of the tail may be overwhelming or even painful. 

More interestingly, cats assume this position when they are in heat or looking to mate. Female cats in heat often become more affectionate and get into this position when petted. The cat can also present its hindquarters for a greeting or share scents with another cat. This way, another cat can smell the scents from its anal glands for more information about them. 

You have probably noticed the cats sniffing each other’s hind ends as a friendly hello when they are familiar with each other. So, when your cat presents its hindquarters, this means trust and friendliness.

Related: Is my cat in heat? 5 important signs you must know.

3. When your cat licks you and then bites you?

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strange cat behaviorsHas your cat suddenly licked you and then bitten you? Then, this may be just a love bite. Basically, cats show affection by often nibbling gently. They seem to be used to nibbling each other; that is why, at times, cats use their gentle bite on you for this cleaning process. 

However, when you pet them, your cat licks your finger a few times and then gives a soft bite moments after. This might indicate that they are overexcited or do not wish to be petted anymore. This may be a classic case of petting-induced overstimulation created by petting your cat in places they tend not to like, mostly due to the amount of time done in petting. 

The pleasurable behavior is converted into frustration, hence the occurrence of a minor bite. This is your sign to stop. Another reason cats lick and then bite is that they want to play. For all their mysterious and independent airs, cats, too, can get playful, especially if their ears are erect, their tail is held high, and their pupils are somewhat dilated, a sure sign that your feline friend is happy and up for play. 

Sure, a cat bite could be a sign of aggression, but over time, you’d know how to distinguish aggression and affection. A nasty nip is usually followed by hissing or stiff, bristled body posture.

4. Why some cats over-vocalize?

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strange cat behaviorsIf your cat is too vocal, there are several reasons behind their behavior. Seeking attention is the primary reason behind excessive vocalization. Many cats develop the practice of Meowing to convey their intention to go out, want food, want to play, or even chat with you. 

Cats meow more when under stress due to changes in the household, moving to a new home, significant changes in the house, getting sick, or dying or losing a loved one. Failure to spay or neuter your cat will lead to excessive vocalization, whereby a female cat will always yowl when in heat, and a male does that when he smells a female in heat. 

This can be prevented by having your pet spayed or neutered, along with other problems such as boredom, loneliness, and separation anxiety. Oriental breeds, especially Siamese Cats, are reputed communication virtuosos.

Related: 1. Why You Might Love a Siamese Cat’s Symphony of Meows.

2. Should I Spay or Neuter My Cat? What Every Pet Owner Should Know

5. Why cats take your spots?

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strange cat behaviorsCats take your place all the time because they like the smell and temperature you leave on it. They like to be in a warm environment; therefore, they will strive to be near your body warmth. Pet cats love to be close to the owner’s smell since it makes them feel secure and comfortable. 

Some cats will jump onto this perch to scent mark, creating a smell in that area that is even more familiar to it. It is more like them putting up signs on their property saying, “This is mine, and keep off from other animals.” Remember, cats usually do sit in one spot for a while to be able to scent-mark well in that region. No doubt, cats will also take over your place as you rest and demand your attention to come back to your lap.

6. Why your cat sleeps with you?

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Cats sleep beside you for several reasons. They like it warmer than humans do. When the temperature is slightly cool, your cat will find a warm spot to maintain their temperature, and your body acts as a perfect heat source. Another reason your cat sleeps beside you is that she looks for security. Lying down or sleeping in the wild exposes animals to predators. 

Cats love to sleep atop a trusted human where they feel secure, gaining all the warmth wasted on a blanket. Independent in nature, cats reveal their sides of love by sleeping on top of you. They miss you in your absence and run for cuddles when you return home. 

7. Why the sleeping place of cats is so variable?

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In dealing with applied animal behavior science, 1177 cats were analyzed to find that the average was that cats had five favorite places to sleep. Cats have the natural instinct to change their sleeping place for their own protection, even if the wild cats transfer their dens and colonies fairly often to hide from their enemies. 

Cats will be found sleeping in different places for their solitary requirement, body temperature regulation, and avoiding stressful conditions. Most cats will travel far from their litter and food, primarily because these locations omit a very strong foul odor, and they detest the direct form of odor near them. 

The need to make their place is another reason that forcefully drives a cat to change its place repeatedly. Cats leave marks at places they live in various ways, such as territorial scratching, leaving their scent on the place or any object as a sign of ownership. The cats will be found sleeping for long hours in one area of a place to leave their scent on it. It increases their comfort level in that environment. 

8. Why cats knead?

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When a cat presses itself, it is said to be kneading. This can be when a cat pushes their front paws against an object. Small kittens start to knead soon after they are born. This natural behavior is carried out on the mother’s nipples to stimulate colostrum and milk secretion. 

Although cats naturally need milk, they carry on this habit after they are no longer feeding. Cats usually purr when they are satisfied and feel secure. You might also notice they purr and their eyes are half closed, from which we get the impression they are satisfied and secure. When your cat starts to knead you, it is a sign of love and affection. When your cat kneads on different surfaces, it feels comforted and emotionally satisfied when situated by your side. 

The other reason cats knead on various surfaces is to mark their territory. Cats mark their territory either by scratching or kneading, making such surfaces smell like theirs and that they own it somehow.

9. Why do cats have dilated eyes?

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A cat’s pupils dilate whenever its pupils’ size and shape change during light and mood. Cats enhance their vision at night by dilating their pupils, allowing minimal light. Throughout the day, cats compromise on their pupils’ size according to the brightness level. 

Surprisingly, you might get your pet’s mood through the size of its pupils. If the pupil of a cat remains large despite the lighting, it means that your cat is not feeling calm or excited. Perhaps your cat could be anxious, stressed, excited, or scared of something. 

A case of dilated pupils also arises in most of the cats that have moved into their cycle. Their pupil can dilate in response to relaxation in pleasant conditions. It is relevant to note that dilated pupils may be a symptom of other health problems. If your cat’s eyes remain dilated proudly in great light and without obvious stimulation or stress, you must take your cat to the hospital. 

What is the final talk on the strange cat behaviors?

Learning some of the strange cat behaviors can be both very enlightening and entertaining for a cat owner. Naturally, cats are mysterious creatures, so most of what they do may never make sense at the first glance. Such strange cat behaviors, like raising their butt up when petted and covering up the face while sleeping, though very odd and peculiar in the human perspective, are actually deeply rooted in their instincts and natural preferences. These behaviors, if decoded, bring us treasured insight into their feelings, needs, and desires.

More importantly, it cements a closer bond between you and your feline companion. Knowing the reason behind these strange cat behaviors can make us respond to them in a more proper way so that our cats could feel secure and loved within our domestic environment.

These tics, as part of their personalities, give us cat owners an additional richness to experience. Playful licks and bites to changing sleeping spots, such strange cat behaviors open up a window into their world. Appreciation goes hand in hand with better care for them, having much more far-reaching influences on their general well-being. So the next time these strange cat behaviors crop up, remember that it’s just another way your cat has of communicating with you—it’s actually an opportunity to bridge the gap between you and your furry friend even closer.

-“9 strange cat behaviors and what they mean” by


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