image showing a cat in heat.

Is my cat in heat? 5 important signs you must know

It is very important for the cat’s health and its behavior to know whether the cat is in heat or not. In the following post, we list 5 significant symptoms that will assist you in determining if your kitty is in heat. Recognizing these signs early will help you know what care to provide and decisions to make concerning your cat’s health.
Key Points: Cat in Heat
  1. A cat’s first heat can occur at 4-5 months, thus marking the beginning of her reproductive maturity.
  2. It usually lasts from seven to fourteen days which can be characterized by different observable behavioral changes in your cat.
  3. This stage will be marked by some changes in her behavior. For instance, she may meow loudly, rub her body against various objects, and often get into a mating position.

Beginners who have recently become cat owners are usually clueless when they find their cat in heat for the first time. They think that their cat may have a stomach ache, and when they get a clue that their cat is in heat, they usually ask whether bathing their cat would put an end to its heat.

But you should remember that being in heat doesn’t mean that your cat is feeling hot or experiencing anything similar that is causing it to behave unusually. It is due to natural hormonal changes in the cat that cause it to react in such a way. In this blog we’ll discuss 5 signs of a cat in heat that you need to know as a cat owner.

When a cat is 4 to 5 months old, it becomes sexually mature, which we call the cat coming into heat. Generally, a healthy cat comes into heat every 2 to 3 weeks, but this can also depend on the breed or the season. Initially, they will be in heat for 2 to 3 days, and gradually, the duration can increase to last between 7 to 14 days.

Whenever you find your cat in heat the things you need to consider are its age and health for mating. For instance, if I talk about my female cat, I think her health is not optimal for giving birth to a kitten as she is only 6 to 7 months old. If your cat is around 1 year old and its health is also good, only then allow it to mate.

If you want a mating service from outside, try to get it from a home who has a male cat or go to an authentic service provider, an individual you think will take care of the cat and tend to its other needs

5 signs of a cat in heat

1. Strange Walking: You’ll notice that when the cat walks, sometimes she flattens out her back like she’s hurt her back or her legs. You will find your cat creeping along, whereas normally, she just runs around and doesn’t act like that at all. 

cat in heat

2. Excessive Affection: You will agree with me that no cat follows its owner around normally, including your cat. The funny thing is if she follows you around and acts really weird around you, like strange walking or creeping or weird movement of her back, it can be a sign of your cat being in heat.

3. Loud Meowing: The cat in heat will scream a lot. Her meow sound will be loud, which she doesn’t meow normally. She will do this to attract the male cats.

4. Rolling and Rubbing: On heat, the cat will roll itself frequently and rub its head and face against inanimate objects. Also, if you rub or pet her back, she will hold her tail to the side and lift her legs as well.

5. Changes in Eating Habits: A cat in heat may show changes in her eating habits. She might eat significantly less or, in some cases, exhibit an increased appetite. This change in food habits can be an indicator that your cat is in heat.

What not to do during a cat's heat period

  1. Don’t give a bath to your cat when it is in heat.
  2. Don’t make it stressed by giving a new diet. That could cause diarrhea.
  3. Try to make sure not to give your cat any unnecessary stress like cutting its nails, giving a bath (as mentioned before), first vaccination shot, etc
  4. Cats try to go outside, especially during the heat. Never let them be outside.
  5. Never use any anti-heat injections or other staff.

Comfort your cat in heat

  1. Provide extra attention.
  2. Use a warm compress.
  3. Create a calm environment.
  4. Offer interactive toys.
  5. Use cat pheromone products.
  6. Maintain a clean litter box.
  7. Keep her indoors.
  8. Provide a comfortable space.
  9. Offer catnip.
  10. Play soft music.

Common mistakes people make during their cat's heat period

  1. Some people make a huge mistake by giving their cats a bath during the heat cycle, which further deteriorates their cat’s health condition.
  2. Usually, when cats are in heat, they reduce their food intake. Most of them stop eating or start eating very little, and people think that there’s a problem with the food; maybe it isn’t like it. Due to this, the owners change their food, which might cause more issues for the cat in heat.
  3. People often make a big mistake regarding their cats’ mating. They take their cats to pet markets where male cats are present for stud service. The owners leave their cats there for mating, which disrupts their cats’ eating habits. Some get infected by a virus, some get other diseases, and there are no actual benefits.
  4. I’ve also seen people letting their cats go outside whenever they are in heat, thinking that their cats will relax a bit. My suggestion is that you shouldn’t make this mistake because your cat might mate from somewhere outside, and then you wonder what to do with the stray kittens.
  5. The last but the most crucial point which often proves to be fatal for the cat, that is when their cats go into heat they are already aware that spaying is important. So what they do is that they take their cats to the vet for spaying during the heat cycle, and they don’t even inform the vet that their cat is in heat. During heat, the blood vessels dilate, leading to increased blood circulation. During surgery, there is a lot of blood loss, and often, this leads to instant demise or sometimes after a while. So try to take care of this thing so that you don’t get spayed during its heat cycle. After its heat cycle has ended then, after 4 or 5 days, you can consult your vet and get the surgery done if there is no risk for the cat. 

    Remember, do take care of the cat in heat. I’ve heard many cases in which the cat died during surgery. That certainly isn’t the doctor’s fault. It is the owner’s fault, as they don’t inform the vet beforehand, often leading to the cat’s death.

In summing up our examination of the five signs that your cat is in heat, it becomes clear how much a little knowledge of these behaviors can save one from much puzzlement and worry. From unmistakable vocalizations to affectionate headbutts, each sign serves as just a small reminder your furry friend is passing through a natural phase of life. This knowledge allows you to know your cat better and to care for her with support in the period she requires. So, whether it is prepping for additional cuddles or quirky antics, knowing what to look for makes you a more attentive cat parent. Keep a lookout, bear with patience, and remember: this too shall pass, and the moments will be loved ones shared with your dear companion.


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