What if your cat is in heat?
Hello, dear cat lovers. I am here with another blog about “Cat is in heat”. Basically, I intend to write about this topic after seeing my male cat named Raccoon in heat for the first time. I am currently noticing various changes in my cat that he didn’t have before.
From my personal experience and live observation, the information I’ll share about my cat will help you also to become knowledgeable about your male cat in heat. More elaborately speaking, you will learn how to notice your cat is in heat or by which changes in your cat indicate that he is in heat.
Table of Contents
What will i discuss in this blog?
In this blog, I will focus mainly on:
- How I’ve noticed that Raccoon, my male cat, is in heat
- Changes I’ve observed in him that he didn’t have before
As I said, I’m going to discuss my male cat is in heat; you are welcome to read this blog if you’re an owner of a male cat. But if you also own a female cat, then you can read this blog on a cat’s heat period, where we’ve focused on a female cat: Is my cat in heat? 5 important signs you must know
Let’s come to the main point. Before you notice that your cat is in heat, you first need to know what it actually is. Other important things you need to know:
- When does a cat come into heat?
- What are the basic signs of a cat’s being in heat?
- When should you allow your cat to mate?
If you are already knowledgeable about these, then you can simply scroll down to the main topic: “How to tell if your cat is in heat?” or just click here. It will automatically scroll you there.
When does a cat come into heat?

image 1: How to tell if your cat is in heat?
Male cats
Male cats usually take a little longer than females and grow to sexual maturity at around six to twelve months. They do not have their own heat cycle as females do, but their behaviour is neuroned by the presence of a female cat in heat. When a male cat gets to know that there is a female cat in estrus, he gets to be very active and often vocal.
Behaviours: You might hear him yowling, move more, and spray more urine around the house, especially marking his territory. He may also become more active to the point of roaming in the house, or try to get out if he feels that there is a female cat nearby.
Female cats
A female cat usually starts coming into heat when it can sexually reproduce, which can be between the ages of 5 and 12 months. (Basically, a female cat becomes sexually mature when she is 4 to 5 months old) Once she is in this stage, she will come into the heat cycle or estrus, approximately every two to three weeks if she has not been spayed. The timing can vary a bit depending on what type of environment the cat is in or if the cat has any health issues.
Seasonal Influence: The heat cycle may depend on the amount of daylight, which means that the females can go into heat more often during the warmer months. Still, cats who live inside and are exposed to artificial lighting can come into heat at any time of the year.
Behaviours: At this time she will display several behaviours that indicate she is on the stand and in the heat. She might become clingy, rubbing herself against people and objects as a form of staking her claim on them. Her vocalizations will grow louder because now she will start vocalizing meows or yowls to attract potential mates.
Related Article: Is my cat in heat? 5 important signs you must know
What are the basic signs of a cat’s being in heat?
Signs for the male cats
- Roaming more than usual.
- Often show genital part.
- Spraying here and there.
- Marking territory with urine
- Aggressive or competitive behavior
Signs for the female cats
- Strange walking behavior
- Show excessive affection
- Rolling in an interface
- Assuming the mating position
- Increased rubbing human or furnitures
Common signs in both male and female cats
- Loud vocals and meowing
- Change in eating habits
- Always want to go out
- Body temperature may increase
- Restlessness
When should you allow your cat to mate?

image 2: How to tell if your cat is in heat?
If you are considering to take the decision whether you should mate your cat or not then the below general guides are for you:
Age and Maturity
- Female: Ideally, wait until your female cat is at least 12-18 months old to ensure she is fully mature.
- Male: Allow mating when your male cat reaches sexual maturity, typically around 6-12 months of age.
Health Check
- Female: You should ensure she is in good health, has no parasites or illnesses, and you’ve vaccinated her appropriately.
- Male: Confirm he is healthy, free from diseases, and also has received necessary vaccinations.
Along with these two essential tips, you should also consider:
Controlled Environment
- Female: You should ensure the mating occurs in a safe, comfortable, and stress-free environment for her.
- Male: Provide a calm environment where he can perform mating behaviors without unnecessary stress.
Breeding Considerations
- Female: Make sure you have a plan for caring for any potential kittens and finding them suitable homes.
- Male: Ensure you are prepared for the responsibilities of breeding and the potential impact on his behavior and health.
How have I noticed my cat is in heat?
Who is Racoon?
Raccoon, my cat, is an Asian Cat by breed. He is around one year old (in 2024). When he was a kitten, he looked like a raccoon, so I named him that. He is a playful, active, and affectionate cat. He loves being petted by others. Most of the time, he sleeps in my bed when I am present in the room. He is such a lovely and adorable cat.
A little overview of the Asian Cat breed: The Asian Cat originated in the United Kingdom. It has a short coat, and its lifespan is around 10 to 15 years.
Well, if you read the above point, “What are the basic signs of a cat’s being in heat?” or you’re already knowledgeable about this, I think you’ve already come to know how I have noticed my cat is in heat. The answer is very simple.
1. Loud Vocals
The first sign I noticed about him three to four days ago is that his vocals are louder than usual. He is meowing very loudly as he didn’t before. Now the question is, why is his vocals so loud? In answering this question, he is doing this to attract a female cat or to find a female cat who is also in heat.
2. Roaming more than usual
In addition to the first one, I’ve also noticed that he is roaming or wants to roam outside more than usual. He used to stay at home always, but in this period, he’s been wandering around the house and often trying to go out.
3. Change in eating habits
I noticed he doesn’t eat as much as he ate before. I found him hungry and also asking for food. But when I give him something to eat, he often doesn’t eat it fully or doesn’t even eat any portion. But I don’t give him any food that he hasn’t before.
4. Showing his private part
I found him showing his private organ or his genital area by which he can intimate while he was sleeping. Male cats don’t make it shown usually.
5. Spraying here and there
I’ve seen him spraying on my reading table today. This usually happens during the male cat’s heat period. You can also find your cat spraying here and there, which he didn’t do before.
The Changes I’ve found in him

image 4: How to tell if your cat is in heat?
The changes that I found in my cat during his heat period make me more confident about my thinking- Raccoon, my cat is in heat. The above descriptions of “How have I noticed my cat is in heat?” are obviously the changes I’ve noticed in him. Besides, here are also some changes I’ve found in him:
- His body temperature was higher than he had always had.
- He is grooming himself excessively, spending more time than before on this, especially in his genital area.
- He used to sleep with me. But for the last three to four days, it has been quite difficult to keep him in bed.
- Also, he has changed his sleeping pattern.
- He always tries to escape.
- Shows disinterest in foods. He doesn’t eat properly, which has made him skinnier and lightweight than before.
Additional Tips you need to know
- The things you should never do when your cat is in heat.
- How can you comfort your cat in heat?
- The common mistakes you should never make that people usually do.
1. The things you should never do when your cat is in heat:
- You should not ignore behavioral changes in your cat.
- Do not punish your cat when the cat is in heat
- Don’t make it stressed by giving a new diet. That could cause diarrhea.
- Don’t give a bath to your cat when it is in heat.
- Never use any anti-heat injections or other staff.
- Avoid introducing new pets
- Try to make sure not to give your cat any unnecessary stress like cutting its nails, giving a bath (as mentioned before), first vaccination shot, etc.
2. How can you comfort your cat in heat?:
- Increase playtimes to burn off the excess energy of your cat.
- Provide a comfortable area where he can retreat safely and feel secure.
- Spend more time with him, petting and comforting him to soothe his anxiety.
- Keep him busy with different toys and scratching posts.
- Minimize the noise levels and disturbances around him as much as possible.
- If his behavior is extreme or it continues, then visit a vet.
3. The common mistakes you should never make that people usually do:
- Giving bath to their cat when the cat is in heat.
- Changing their food and diet.
- Getting the cat mated from a local market, that can causes health issues.
- Taking the cat to a vet for nutering or spaying when the cat is in heat.
Remember, do take care of the cat in heat. I’ve heard many cases in which the cat died during surgery of the cat being in heat. That certainly isn’t the doctor’s fault. It is the owner’s fault, as they don’t inform the vet beforehand, often leading to the cat’s death.
I also found my kitty doing some wired behaviours. To be honest, I was very tensed until I reach to this blog. The information helped me a lot. I’m happy to be relaxed and tension free now.
This blog is very informative and helpful for understanding the behavior of male cats in heat. Thanks for sharing your experience with Raccoon.